1. M. F. ALBERT, “The Absorption of Gaseous Iodine by Water Droplets,” NUREG/CR-4081, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (June 1985).
2. R. K. HILLARD, A. K. POSTMA, J. D. McCORMACK, L. F. COLEMAN, and C. E. LINDERMAN, “Removal of Iodine and Particles from Containment Atmospheres by Sprays-Containment Systems Experiments,” Interim Report BNWL-1244, Pacific Northwest Laboratory (Feb. 1970).
3. J. T. BELL, M. H. LIETZKE, and D. A. PALMER, “Predicted Rates of Formation of Iodine Hydrolysis Species at pH Levels, Concentrations, and Temperatures Anticipated in LWR Accidents,” NUREG/CR-2900, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oct. 1982).
4. R. M. SELLERS, “A Review of the Radiation Chemistry of Iodine Compounds in Aqueous Solutions,” CEGB-RD/BIN-4009, Great Britain Central Electricity Generating Board (1977).
5. The Kinetics of Halogen Hydrolysis