1. D. B. HAKEWESSEL, “Air Density Sensor ADS-103 Design and Operation,” Final Report on NASA Contract No. NAS1-4349 (August 1965).
2. D. B. HAKEWESSEL, “Feasibility Study for an X-Ray Backscatter Free Air Density Sensor,” NASA Contractor Report No. 66148 (September 1966).
3. R. P. GARDNER and D. R. WHITAKER, “Experimental Verification of Gamma-Ray Atomspheric Density Sensor Mathematical Model Predictions,” NASA Contractor Report No. 66476 (August 1967).
4. R. P. GARDNER and D. R. WHITAKER, “A Theoretical Study of the Gamma-Ray Scattering Technique for Measuring Atmospheric Density,” NASA Contractor Report No. 66142 (August 1966).
5. D. R. WHITAKER and R. P. GARDNER, “Mathematical Model Predictions and Optimization Study of the Gamma-Ray Atmospheric Density Sensor,” NASA Contractor Report No. 66676 (August 1968).