1. Development of the Chinshan Plant Analyzer and Its Assessment with Plant Data
2. W. WULFF, H.S. CHENG, S. V. LEKACH, and A. N. MALLEN, “The BWR Plant Analyzer,” NUREG/CR-3943, BNL-NUREG-51812, Brookhaven National Laboratory (July 1984).
3. “ADSIM Reference Manual,” Applied Dynamics International, Inc. (Aug. 1988).
4. S.J. WANG, C.S. CHIEN, and S.C. LEE, “Self-Initialization Procedure of Chinshan Plant Analyzer,” INER-1120, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan (July 1991).
5. T. H. CHEN, “Chinshan Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 Startup Test Procedure STP-27 Turbine Trip and Load Rejection,” STP-27, Taiwan Power Company (1978).