1. R. W. MOIR, “Mirror Hybrid Reactors,” UCRL-81611, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. (Sep. 1978).
2. J. D. LEE, D. J. BENDER, and R. W. MOIR, “Mirror Hybrids–A Status Report,” Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Sep. 1976).
3. K. R. SCHULTZ et al. “A U-233 Fusion-Fission Power System Without Reprocessing-A Preliminary Report,” GA-A14635, General Atomic Company (1978).
4. M. YOUSSEF, R. W. CONN, and G. A. MOSES, “Blanket Neutronics Studies for the SOLASE-H Hybrid Reactor,” UWFDM-263, University of Wisconsin. Dec. 1978)