1. C. WONG, J. D. ANDERSON, P. BROWN, L. F. HANSEN, J. L. KAMMERDIENER, C. LOGAN, and B. POHL, “Liver-more Pulsed Sphere Program Summary Through July 1971,” UCRL-51144, Rev. I, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (1972).
2. Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectra from 232Th, 235U, 238U, and 239Pu After Bombardment with 14-MeV Neutrons
3. E. F. PLECHATY and J. R. KIMLINGER, “TARTNP Coupled Neutron-Photon Monte Carlo Transport Code,” UCRL-50400, Vol.14, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (1975).
4. Measurements and Calculations of the Neutron Spectra from Iron Bombarded with 14-MeV Neutrons
5. BNL-17541, 2nd ed. Brookhaven National Laboratory (1975).