1. The Accelerator Production of Tritium Materials Test Program
2. “Materials Data for Particle Accelerator Applications,” LA-CP-01-0168, Rev. 3, P. RITTENHOUSE, coordinator, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Jan. 2003).
3. S. LILLARD and D. BUTT, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Personal Communication (1996).
4. R. PRAEL and H. LICHTENSTEIN, “User Guide to LCSW:The LAHET Code System,” LAUR 89-3014, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Sep. 1989).
5. “Procedure Used to Assemble Clad-Rod Bundles for Insert 18A,” APT-MP-97-44, R1 and APT-102-1998-109, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Sep. 1998).