1. M. E. WISE, W. E. DOWNS, and M. B. ANDERSON, “SLOWPOKE-2 Nuclear Reactor Safety Analysis,” CPSR-352, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (June 1972).
2. M. E. WISE and R. E. KAY, “Description and Safety Analysis for the SLOWPOKE-2 Reactor,” CPR-26, Rev. 1, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Sep. 1983).
3. B. M. TOWNES and J. W. HILBORN, “The SLOWPOKE-2 Reactor with Low Enrichment Uranium Dioxide Fuel,” AECL-8840, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (June 1985).
4. J. P. MURPHY, P. J. VALLIANT, E. G. McVEY, and P. W. REYNOLDS, “Examination of SLOWPOKE-2 Reactor Fuel Elements at the Chalk River Laboratories,” RC-827, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Mar. 1992) (unpublished).
5. D. STAHL, “Fuels for Research and Test Reactors-Status Review,” DE83 014267, Argonne National Laboratories (1982).