1. G. I. BELL, “Calculation of the Critical Mass of UF6as a Gaseous Core, with Reflectors of D2O, Be and C,” LA-1874, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Feb. 1955).
2. R. G. RAGSDALE and R. E. HYLAND, “Some Nuclear Calculations of 235U-D2O Gaseous-Core Cavity Reactors,” NASA-TN-475, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center (Oct. 1961).
3. R. E. HYLAND, R. G. RAGSDALE and E. J. GUNN, “Two-Dimensional Criticality Calculations of Gaseous-Core Cylindrical-Cavity Reactors,” NASA-TN-D-1575, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center (Mar. 1963).
4. Nuclear characteristics of large reflector- moderated gaseous-fueledcavity reactors containing hot hydrogen.
5. Nuclear Analysis of Gaseous-Core Nuclear Rockets