1. “Final Environmental Impact Statement: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant”, DOE/EIS-0026, U.S. Department of Energy (1980).
2. “Final Supplement Environmental Impact Statement, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant”, DOE/EIS-0026-FS, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (1990).
3. “Strategy for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Test Phase”, DOE/EM/48063-2, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Waste Operations (1991).
4. “Preliminary Plan for Disposal-System Characterization and Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant”, SAND89-0178, S. G. BERTRAM-HOWERY and R. L. HUNTER, Eds. Sandia National Laboratories (1989).
5. A. R. LAPPIN, et al. “Systems Analysis, Long-Term Radionuclide Transport, and Dose Assessments, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), Southeastern New Mexico; March 1989”, SAND89-0462, Sandia National Laboratories (1989).