1. Nuclear waste canister corrosion studies pertinent to geologic isolation
2. M. A. MOLECKE, D. W. SCHAEFER, R. S. GLASS, and J. A. RUPPEN, “Sandia HLW Canister/Overpack Studies Applicable for a Salt Repository,” SAND81-1585, October 1981, Advances in Science and Technology of the Management of High-Level Nuclear Waste, Vol.1, Battelle Press (1983).
3. Sandia National Laboratories, “NWTS Waste Package Program Plan,” Vol. I, DOE/NWTS-96, U.S. Department of Energy (Jan. 1981).
4. Sandia National Laboratories, “Program Plan for the Development and Testing of NWTS Waste Package Materials,” Vol. II, NWTS-34, U.S Department of Energy (draft, Mar. 1982).