1. M. D. HILL and P. D. GRIMWOOD, “Preliminary Assessment of the Radiological Protection Aspects of Disposal of High Level Waste in Geologic Formations,” NRPB R-69, National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (1978).
2. M. D. HILL, “An Analysis of the Effect of Variations in Parameter Values on the Predicted Consequences of Geological Disposal of High Level Waste,” NRPB R-86, National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (1979).
3. M. D. HILL and G. LAWSON, “An Assessment of the Radiological Consequences of Disposal of High Level Waste in Coastal Geological Formations,” NRPB R-108, National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (1980).
4. D. P. HODGKINSON, “Radiological Safety of Geological Waste Disposal: A Provisional Assessment of the Current Literature,” AERE M-2997, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (1978).