1. A study of fuel behavior under reactivity initiated accident conditions — review
2. R. W. MILLER, “The Effect of Burnup on Fuel Failure 1: Power Best Test on Low Burnup UO2Fuel Rods,” IN-ITR-113, Idaho Nuclear Corporation (July 1970).
3. R. W. MILLER, “The Effects of Burnup on Fuel Failure: Power Burst Tests on Fuel Rods with 13,000 and 32,000 MWd/MTU Burnup,” ANCR-1280/TID-4500, R63, Aerojet Nuclear Company (Jan. 1976).
4. S. L. SEIFFERT, Z. R. MARTINSON, and S. F. FUKUDA, “Reactivity Initiated Accident Test Series Test RIA 1-1 (Radial Average Fuel Enthalpy of 285 cal/g) Fuel Behavior Report,” NUREG/CR-1465/EGG-2040, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Sep. 1980).
5. B. A. COOK, S. K. FUKUDA, Z. R. MARTINSON, and P. BOTT-HEMBREE, “Reactivity Accident Test Series Test RIA-Fuel Behavior Report,” NUREG/CR-1842/EGG-2073, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Jan. 1981).