1. “Spent Fuel Storage Requirements 1987,” DOE/RL-87-11, U.S. Department of Energy (1987).
2. “Characteristics of Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and Other Radioactive Wastes Which May Require Long Term Isolation,” DOE-RW-0184, Vols. 1-8, U.S. Department of Energy (1987 and 1988).
3. R. S. MOORE, D. A. WILLIAMS, and K. J. NOTZ, “A Classification Scheme for LWR Fuel Assemblies,” ORNL/TM-10901, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1988).
4. W. J. BAILEY, “Categorization of Failed and Damaged Spent LWR Fuel Currently in Storage,” PNL-5882, Pacific Northwest Laboratory (1987).
5. R. C. WALLING, C. M. HEEB, and W. L. PURCELL, “Reactor-Specific Spent Fuel Discharge Projections: 1987 to 2020,” PNL-6430, Pacific Northwest Laboratory (1988).