1. Κ. O. REIL, “Effective Equation of State Measurements on Uranium Dioxide,” Dissertation, University of New Mexico (May 1977).
2. P. HERTER, “PATH, A Code for Accurate Calculation of Energy Deposition Profiles in ACRR Experiments,” Sandia National Laboratories (May 1982) (unpublished).
3. K. K. MURATA, Sandia National Laboratories, Personal Communication (Jan. 1980).
4. W. BREITUNG and K. O. REIL, “In-Pile Vapor Pressure Measurements on UO2and (U,Pu)O2,” KfK-3939, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Aug. 1985).
5. W. BREITUNG, “Vapor Pressures of Oxide Reactor Fuels Above 3000K: Review and Perspective,” SAND81-1383, Sandia National Laboratories (1981).