1. V. PIKSAIKIN, Ed. “World Request List for Nuclear Data,” WRENDA 83/84, INDC(SEC)-88/URSF, International Atomic Energy Agency (1983).
2. F. H. FROHNER, “SESH-A Code for Calculating Self-Shielding and Multiple Scattering Effects for Neutron Data Interpretation in the Unresolved Resonance Region,” GA-8380, General Atomic Inc. (1968).
3. Measurements of the 238U(n, γ) Cross Section at Thermal and Fast Neutron Energies
4. A. SMITH, W. POENITZ and R. HOWERTON, “Evaluation of the 238U Neutron Total Cross Section,” ANL/NDM-74, Argonne National Laboratory (1982); Table II corrected according to A. B. SMITH, Argonne National Laboratory, Private Communication.
5. Neutron Total Cross Sections of181Ta and238U from 24.3 keV to 1 MeV and Average Resonance Parameters