1. B. K. CROWLEY, “The Baneberry Vent Re-Examined,” Internal Document UOPKA 71-1, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Jan. 1971) (title U, document CFRD). Readers outside the Laboratory who desire further information on LLL internal documents should address their inquiries to the Technical Information Department, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550.
2. L. D. RAMSPOTT, “U8d Site Characteristics,” Internal Document UOPKB 74-9, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Jan. 1974).
3. U.S. Geological Survey, “Results of Exploration of Baneberry Site, Early 1971,” USGS-474-145, U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey (July 1974).
4. B. K. CROWLEY and J. T. CHERRY, “Stress Wave Calculation Related to an Explosion Site,” Internal Document COPK 71-44, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (1971) (title U, document SRD).
5. R. M. SIMON, “SOC Calculations of a Shot in Hole U8d,” Memorandum UCON 73-8, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Feb. 6, 1973) (title U, document CFRD).