1. “Advanced Test Reactor Upgraded Final Safety Analysis Report,” Rev. 1999, AU, Bechtel BWXT Idaho (July 1999).
2. “SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD2 Code Manual, Vols. 1, 2, and 3,” NUREG/CR-5273, EGG-2555, C. M. ALLISON and E. C. JOHNSON, Eds. EG&G Idaho (Sep. 1989).
3. J. D. GASKI, “SINDA 1987/ANSI Computer Code,” Network Analysis Associates (Oct. 1987).
4. Pump Cavitation in Savannah River Reactors During Loss-of-Coolant Accidents
5. V. H. RANSOM, R. J. WAGNER, and G. W. JOHNSEN, “RELAP5/MOD2 Code Manual, Vol. 3: Developmental Assessment Problems,” EGG-TFM-7952, EG&G Idaho (Dec. 1987).