1. J. A. FINDLAY and G. L. SOZZI, “BWR Refill-Reflood Program—Model Qualification Task Plan,” NUREG/CR-1899, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1981).
2. K. E. CARLSON, R. A. RIEMKE, S. Z. ROUHAL, R. W. SHUMWAY, and W. L. WEAVER, “RELAP5/MOD3 Code Manual Volume III: Developmental Assessment Problems,” NUREG/CR-5535, EGG-2596 (Draft), EG&G Idaho (June 1990).
3. RELAP5-3D DEVELOPMENT TEAM, “RELAP5-3D Code Manuals, Volumes I, II, IV, and V,” INEEL-EXT-98-00834, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (1999).
4. The effect of surface renewal due to largescale eddies on jet impingement heat transfer
5. Fractional vapour content of a liquid pool through which vapour is bubbled