1. S. KASS, Private Communication, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (June 1967).
2. G. J. SALVAGGIO, “The Properties of Hafnium from a PWR Core 1 Control Rod after One Seed Life Exposure,” WAPD-TM-336, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (June 1962).
3. G. J. SALVAGGIO, F. A. NICHOLS, and J. P. BACCA, Jr. “Properties of a Hafnium Control Rod after Exposure During Two Seed Lives in PWR Core 1,” WAPD-TM-337, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (November 1962).
4. G. J. SALVAGGIO, J. G. WEINBERG, S. KASS, and K. J. LONGUA, “Properties of a Hafnium Control Rod after Exposure During Three Seed Lives in PWR Core 1,” WAPD-TM-457, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (June 1965).