1. W. J. ANDERSON and G. V. SNEESBY, “Carburization of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Liquid Sodium,” NAA-SR-5282, Atomics International (September 1960).
2. R. C. ANDREWS, R. H. HILTZ, L. H. KIRSCHLER, S. J. RODGERS, and F. TEPPER, “Results of Mechanical Properties Tests of 316 SS Specimens in 1200 F Sodium Contaminated with Carbon,” MSAR 65-194, MSA Research Corporation (December 1965).
3. E. W. HOBART, “Status of Methods for Determining Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen in Alkali Metals,” TIM-900, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft (March 1965).
4. R. B. HINZE, “Sodium Purity Requirements (A Review and Evaluation),” NAA-SR-Memo-12394, Atomics International (May 10, 1967).