1. “Physical Processes During a Core Meltdown,” NU-REG/75-014, Reactor Safety Study, WASH-1400, App. VIII, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1975).
2. “Light Water Reactor Safety Research Program Quarterly Report,” SAND76-0369, Sandia National Laboratories (Jan.Mar. 1976).
3. D. A. POWERS, D. A. DAHLGREN, J. F. MUIR, and W. B. MURFIN, “Exploratory Study of Molten Core/Concrete Interactions, July 1975-March 1977,” SAND77-2042, Sandia National Laboratories (Feb. 1978).
4. D. A. POWERS and F. E. ARELLANO, “Large-Scale, Transient Tests of the Interaction of Molten Steel with Concrete,” NUREG/CR-2282, SAND81-1753, Sandia National Laboratories (Jan. 1982).