1. N.R. Nelson, “Large Reactor Development Quarterly Progress Report”, WCAP-3707, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (September-November, 1961).
2. N.R. Nelson, “Large Reactor Development Quarterly Progress Report”, WCAP-3710, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (March-June, 1962).
3. D.R. McClintock and C.J. Kubit, “Fabrication and Irradiation of Stainless Steel Clad U02Fuel Rods”, (The LRD In-Pile Chemical Shim Loop Experiment), WCAP-3734, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (April, 1964).
4. T.J. Slosek and B. Weidenbaum, “Irradiation and Examination of Vibratory Packed UO2High Burnup Program Elements”, GEAP-3108, Part 2, General Electric Co. (February, 1960).