1. R. BÜNDE, “Plant Component Identification Scheme (PCIS) for NET,” NET/IN/83-25, Next European Torus (1984).
2. KKS Kraftwerk – Kennzeichensystem, Richtlinien zur Anwendung und Schlüsselteil, Issue 2, Verlag VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, Essen (1983).
3. R. BÜNDE, “Availability Assurance of NET – Status and Strategy of Work,” EUR/XII-324/33, Commission of the European Communities (1984).
4. A. SUPPAN, “Maintenance Scenario and Time Evaluation,” INTOR/IN/84-39, International Tokamak Reactor (1984).
5. H. DJÉRASSI and J. ROUILLARD, “Availability of Nuclear Plant Components of NET,” MC/100-284, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (1986).