1. M. W. ALES, S. K. BROWN, B. J. BURCH and R. V. DeMARS, “Three Mile Island, Unit 2 Lower Core Support Assembly Defueling Planning Study,” BAW-1877, Babcock & Wilcox (June 1985).
2. D. W. CROUCHER, “Three Mile Island Unit-2 Core Status Summary: A Basis for Tool Development for Reactor Disassembly and Defueling,” GEND-007, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (May 1981).
3. J. D. ANDREWS, “Core Region Material Volumetric Study,” TPO/TMI-104, GPU Nuclear Corporation (Feb. 1984).
4. V. R. FRICKE, “Core Debris Bed Probing,” TB-84-08, Rev. 1, GPU Nuclear Corporation (Feb. 25, 1985).
5. V. R. FRICKE, “Reactor Lower Head Video Inspection,” TB-85-06, Rev. 1, GPU Nuclear Corporation (Mar. 7, 1985).