1. J. HORTWELL, J. MANDLER, S. DUCE and B. MOTES, “Characterization of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Reactor Building Atmosphere Prior to the Reactor Building Purge,” GEND-005, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (May 1981).
2. L. KRIPPS, “TMI-2 Reactor Building Purge–Kr-85 Venting,” GEND-013, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Mar. 1981).
3. “Three Mile Island Unit 2 Reactor Building Purge Program Safety Analysis and Environmental Report,” GPU Nuclear Corporation (November 12, 1979).
4. E. BRETTHAUER, F. GROSSMAN, W. EFURD, G. DOUGLAS, A. SMITH and W. CORKERN, “Environmental Radioactivity at the TMI, Venting Phase,” EPA 600/4-85-042, Environmental Protection Agency (June 1985).
5. P. BABEL and T. MENZEL, “Reactor Building Purge–Analysis of the Measurement of Vented Activity,” Technical Data Report No. 182, GPU Nuclear Corporation (Sep. 25, 1980).