1. “Technical Plan–Ex-RCS Criticality Safety,” TPO/TMI-132, Rev. 0, Appendix, GPU Nuclear Corporation (Nov. 1984).
2. D. W. ACKERS, E. R. CARLSON, J. O. CARLSON, B. A. COOK and S. A. PLOGER, “TMI-2 Core Debris Grab Samples–Examination and Analysis–Part 2,” GEND-INF-075, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Sep. 1986).
3. K. VINJAMURI, D. W. AKERS and R. R. HOBBINS, “Examination of H-8 and B-8 Leadscrews from Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2),” GEND-INF-052, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Sep. 1985).
4. C. S. OLSEN, D. W. AKERS and R. K. McCAR-DELL, “Examination of Debris from the Lower Head of the TMI-2 Reactor,” GEND-INF-084, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Jan. 1988).
5. G. O. HAYNER, “TMI-2 H8A Core Debris Sample Examination Final Report,” RDD-85-5097-01:01, Babcock and Wilcox, Inc. (July 1984).