1. CHIEN-CHANG LIN, “Chemical Species of Iodine in a Boiling Water Reactor: A Study at Millstone Nuclear Power Station,” NEDM-12447, General Electric Company (1973).
2. CHIEN-CHANG LIN, “The Behavior of Radioiodine in Steam Carryover–A Study at Nine Mile Point,” NEDM-12446, General Electric Company (1973).
3. CHIEN-CHANG LIN, “Chemical Effects of Gamma Radiation on Iodine in Aqueous Solutions,” NEDO-12707, General Electric Company (1978).
4. W. H. BURGUS and T. H. DAVIES, Radiochemical Studies: The Fission Product, Book 1, p. 209, CORYELL and SUGARMAN, Eds. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York (1951).
5. The Formation of Hypoiodous Acid and Hydrated Iodine Cation by the Hydrolysis of Iodine