1. N. J. M. REES, R. B. TATTERSALL, and G. VERZELLETTI, “Results of Repeat Firings of High Explosive Charges in Water-Filled Vessels,” Joint Report by Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, U.K., U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, U.K., EURATOM, and Joint Research Centre, Italy, AWRE/44/97/1, TRG 2909 (R/X), EE/01/76, AEEW M-1417 (Aug. 1976).
2. W. HERRMANN, “APRICOT Code Comparisons, Critique of Results for First Phase,” SAND-77-0089, Sandia National Laboratory (Feb. 1977).
3. U.S. Department of Energy, “The APRICOT Program: Comparison and Benchmarking of Computational Methods for Analysis of LMFBR Structural Response to Postulated Core Disruptive Accidents,” SAN-1112-1, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (Oct. 1977).
4. Evaluation of computational techniques for LMFBR safety analyses
5. C. Y. WANG, “ICECO-An Implicit Eulerian Method for Calculating Fluid Transients in Fast-Reactor Containment,” ANL-75-81, Argonne National Laboratory (Dec. 1975).