1. “Disposal of Radioactive Grouts into Hydraulically Fractured Shale,” Technical Report Series No. 232, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1983).
2. H. O. WEEREN, “Shale Fracturing Injections at ORNL: 1977-1979 Series,” 0RNL/TM-7421, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Sep. 1980).
3. W. de LAGUNA, T. TAMURA, H. O. WEEREN, E. G. STRUXNESS, W. C. McCLAIN and R. C. SEXTON, “Engineering Development of Hydraulic Fracturing as a Method for Permanent Disposal of Radioactive Wastes,” ORNL-4259, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1968).
4. D. K. SMITH, Cementing, Henry L. Doherty Series Monograph No. 4, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Dallas, Texas (1976).
5. E. W. McDANIEL, “Rheology of Sludge-Slurry Grouts,” ORNL/TM-7497, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1980).