1. WILLIAM G. MOFFATT, The Handbook of Binary Phase Diagrams, 1st ed. General Electric Company Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, New York.
2. D. A. AKERS, E. R. CARLSON, B. A. COOK, S. A. PLOGER and J. O. CARLSON, “TMI-2 Core Debris Grab Samples–Examination and Analysis Parts I and II,” GEND-INF-075, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Sep. 1986).
3. Dissolution of uranium dioxide by molten zircaloy
4. J. J. MOORE, Chemical Metallurgy, Butterworths and Co., London (1981).
5. C. E. WICKS and F. E. BLOCK, “Thermodynamic Properties of 65 Elements. Their Oxides, Halides, Carbides and Nitrides,” Bulletin 605, U.S. Bureau of Mines (1963).