1. “Quarterly Technical Progress Report, Nuclear Safety Characterization of Sodium Fires and Fast Reactor Fission Products,” AI-ERDA-13161/LMFBR Safety/UC-79p, Atomics International Division/Rockwell International (1975).
2. Technical Report on Monju's Sodium Leak Incident.
3. Combustion
4. K. OTAKE and T. FUJIWARA, Comustion Engineering, p. 172, Corona Publishing Company, Tokyo (1985).
5. K. K. MURATA, D. E. CARROLL, K. E. WASHINGTON, F. GELBARD, G. D. VALDEZ, D. C. WILLIAMS, and K. D. BERGERON, “User’s Manual for CONTAIN 1.1: A Computer Code for Severe Nuclear Reactor Accident Containment Analysis,” NUREG/CR-5026, SAND-87-2309, Sandia National Laboratories (1987).