1. Examination of F3A Series Unencapsulated Mixed-Oxide Fuel Pins Irradiated in EBR-II
2. “Guide for Irradiation Experiments in EBR-II, Revision 4,” (limited distribution) Argonne National Laboratory (February 1971, Rev. December 1971).
3. “Irradiation Effects on Reactor Structural Materials,” Quarterly Progress Report, May-June 1970, BNWL-1318-3, p. 10.101, Battelle-Northwest (1970).
4. “Tensile Properties of Irradiated 316 Stainless Steel,” Report No. 127 REM, Liquid Metals Fast Breeder Reactor Materials Information Center (November 1971).
5. T. LAURITZEN, A. WITHOP, and G. P. FERGUSON, “Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels Irradiated in EBR-II,” GEAP-10066, General Electric Company (1969).