1. M. J. MONSLER, J. L. BLINK, J. HOVINGH, W. R. MEIER, and P. E. WALKER, “Conceptual Design of a Laser Fusion Power Plant,” Laser Program Annual Report, Sec. 9.2, UCRL-50021-78, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (March 1979).
2. R. J. HOWERTON, R. J. DOYAS, T. C. MICHELS, and S. T. PERKINS, “Evaluated Nuclear Cross Section Library,” UCRL-50400, Vol.4, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1971).
3. The Effect of Liquid-Metal Protection Schemes in Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactors
4. E. F. PLECHATY and J. R. KIMLINGER, “TARTNP: A Coupled Neutron-Photon Monte Carlo Transport Code,” UCRL-50400, Vol.14, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1975).
5. W. R. MEIER, “Two-Dimensional Neutronics Calculation for the HYLIFE Converter,” UCRL-83595, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Nov. 1979);