1. J. M. KENNEDY, E. A. OKAZAKI, and J. K. FOWLER, “APEX-IV, An Algebraic Compiler for the G-20 Computer,” AECL-1978, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report (1964).
2. M. J. F. NOTLEY, “ELESIM—A Computer Programme to Predict the Performance of UO2Fuel Elements Irradiated at High Power Outputs to Burnups to 10,000 MWd/tonne,” CRNL-388, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report. To be published.
3. Calculation of Fission-Product Gas Pressures in Operating UO2Fuel Elements
4. Irradiation behaviour of fission-gas bubbles and sintering pores in UO2
5. R. D. PAGE, “Engineering and Performance of Canada’s UO2Fuel Assemblies for Heavy Water Power Reactors,” IAEA Symposium on Heavy Water Power Reactors, Vienna (1967). Also AECL-2949, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.