1. “Report on Proposed Borg El-Arab (Sidi Kreir) Project in the UAR,” by the U.S. Desalting Team (May 1965, revised October 1965). (This report is called the Borg report in the discussions above.)
2. “A Study of Desalting Plants (15 to 150 MUSGD) and Nuclear Power Plants (200 to 1500 MWt) for Combined Water and Power Production,” Catalytic Construction Company and Nuclear Utility Services, both of the US, USAEC Report NYO-3316-1 (September 1964). (Called the Catalytic report.)
3. “Economic Nuclear Power—Desalting Plants, Technical Description,” Chicago Bridge and Iron and General Electric Companies, both of the US (Report undated but actually published in late 1966 or early 1967). (Called the CBI report.)
4. “A General and Economic Assessment,” prepared by Kaiser Engineers for Chicago Operations Office of USAEC, TID-4500 (March 1967). (Called COO report.)