1. D.L. DELP, D.L. FISCHER, J.M. HARRIMAN, and M.J. STEDWELL, “FLARE: A Three-Dimensional Boiling Water Reactor Simulator,” GEAP-4598, General Electric Company (1964).
2. R. KERN, D.C. WRIGHT, W.C. COPPERSMITH, and Z.R. ROSZTOCZY, “Optimum Spatial Flux Control Project: Phase I–CEXE: A Three-Dimensional Nodal Method for Analysis of Xenon Oscillations and Control,” CEND-3932-1-349, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Nuclear Power Department (May 1969).
3. R. KERN, M. BONACA, Z.R. ROSZTOCZY, and W.C. COPPERSMITH, “Optimum Spatial Flux Control Project: Phase II–Xenon Oscillation Studies for the Pickering Reactor,” CEND-3932-2-350, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Nuclear Power Department (May 1969).
4. R.R. LEE, “QUIX: A Two Group, One-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Code for Load-Following Calculations,” Internal Document, Combustion Engineering, Inc., to be issued.
5. R.M. PEARCE and R.E. ROTH, “A G-20 Program for Studying Xenon Spatial Oscillations and Application to CANDU,” CRRP-1151, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (July 1963).