1. CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom
2. Southwestern Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 432, Chengdu 610041, China
3. Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Earth and Space Science, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
4. Columbia University, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, New York, New York 10027
5. ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, CS90046, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex, France
6. Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Boltzmannstrasse 2, 85748 Garching, Germany
7. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1, Mukouyama, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan
8. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey 08543
9. General Atomics, San Diego, California 92186