1. A. AMOUYAL AND P. BENOIST, “Nouvelle Méthode de Détermination du Facteur d’Utilisation Thermique d’une Cellule,” Report C.E.A. No. 571, Saclay (1956).
2. K. M. CASE, F. DE HOFFMANN, AND G. PLACZEK, “Introduction to the Theory of Neutron Diffusion,” Vol. I, U. S. Govt. Printing Office, 1953.
3. S. A. KUCHNERIUK AND MCKAY, “Neutron Density in An Infinite Non-Capturing Medium Surrounding a Long Cylindrical Body Which Scatters and Captures Neutrons,” AECL-137, Chalk River (1954).
4. J. LECAINE, “A Table of Integrals Involving the Function En(x),” Report No. MT-131, National Research Council of Canada.