1. The Interaction of Fast Neutrons with Nickel-60
2. see also, A. SMITH and P. GUENTHER, “Scattering of MeV Neutrons from Elemental Iron,” ANL/NDM47, Argonne National Laboratory (1979).
3. Performance of the ANL Dynamitron Tandem
4. ENDF/B-IV, ‘H (MAT 1269), evaluated by L. STEWART, R. J. LABAUVE, and P. G. YOUNG, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (1970), BNL-17541, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1975). Since the preparation of this manuscript, version V of the ENDF/B file has been released. It seems that version V is identical to version IV in areas relevant to this paper. The reference H(n,n) cross sections of version V appear to be identical to those of J. HOPKINS and G. BREIT, Nucl. Data,A9, 145 (1971), and the elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections of iron as given in the two versions are essentially completely identical.
5. High-resolution fast-neutron cross sections of iron