1. The ORNL gas-cooled reactor. Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL-2500 (April 1, 1958).
2. The ORNL gas-cooled reactor materials and hazards. Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL-2505, rev. (April 1, 1958).
3. The ORNL gas-cooled reactor advanced concepts. Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL-2510 (September 18, 1958).
4. Specifications for fuel assemblies for core 1 of the experimental gas-cooled reactor. Oak Ridge National Laboratory report CF-60-11-90 (December 9, 1960).
5. J. D. EICHENBERG, P. W. FRANK, T. J. KISIEL, B. LUSTMAN, AND K. H. VOGEL, Effects of irradiation on bulk UO2. Westinghouse Electric Corporation report WAPD-183 (October 1957).