1. P. GREEBLER, B. A. HUTCHINS, and J. R. SUEOKA, “Calculation of Doppler Coefficient and Other Safety Parameters for a Large Fast Oxide Reactor,” GEAP-3646, General Electric Company (1961).
2. “Comparison of Two Sodium-Cooled, 1000 MWe Fast Reactor Concepts. Task I. 1000 MWe LMFBR Follow-On Work,” GEAP-5618, General Electric Company (1968).
3. “1000 MWe Fast Breeder Reactor Follow-On Study. Task I. Final Report,” WARD-2000-33 (Rev.), Westinghouse Electric Corporation (1969).
4. “Preliminary Studies for a Reference Conceptual Design of a 1000 MWe LMFBR. 1000 MWe LMFBR Follow-On Study. Task I Report,” CEND-322, Combustion Engineering, Inc. (1967).
5. “1000 MWe LMFBR Follow-On Study. Task I Report,” AI-AEC-12765, Atomics International (1968).