1. P. SOO and J. G. Y. CHOW, “Correlation of High Cycle and Low Cycle Fatigue Data for some HTGR Structural Metals,” BNL-NUREG-25333, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1978).
2. C. E. JASKE, H. MINDLIN and J. S. PERRIN, “Low-Cycle Fatigue and Creep Fatigue of Incoloy 800,” BMF-1921, Battelle Columbus Laboratories (1972).
3. J. B. CONWAY, “Short-Term Tensile and Low-Cycle Fatigue Studies of Incoloy 800,” GEMP-732, General Electric Company (1969).
4. C. E. JASKE, R. C. RICE, R. D. BUCHHEIT, D. B. ROACH and T. L. PORFILIO, “Low-Cycle Fatigue of Type 347 Stainless Steel and Hastelloy Alloy X in Hydrogen Gas and in Air at Elevated Temperatures,” NASA CR-135022, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1976).