1. E. T. CHENG, D. R. MATHEWS, and K. R. SCHULTZ, “Magnetic Fusion Energy Program Nuclear Data Needs,” GA-A16886, p. 3–18, GA Technologies Inc. (1982).
2. Comments on Beryllium (n, 2n) Cross Sections in ENDF/B-IV and -V
3. Energy levels of light nuclei A = 5–10
4. S. T. PERKINS, “The9Be(n, 2n) Reaction and Its Influence on the Age and Fast Effect in Beryllium and Beryllium Oxide,” AN-1443, Aerojet General Nucleonics, San Ramon, California (1965).
5. Double-Differential Beryllium Neutron Cross Sections at Incident Neutron Energies of 5.9, 10.1, and 14.2 MeV