1. G. G. LOOMIS and K. SODA, “Results of the Semiscale Mod-2A Natural Circulation Experiments,” NUREG/CR-2335, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Sep. 1982).
2. Natural Circulation Cooling in a Pressurized Water Reactor Geometry under Accident-Induced Conditions
3. G. G. LOOMIS, K. SODA, C. M. KULLBERG, and J. L. STEINER, “Quick Look Report for Semiscale Mod-2A Test S-NC-1,” EGG-SEMI-5492, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (July 1981).
4. T. M. O’CONNELL, “Experiment Data Report for Semiscale Mod-2A Natural Circulation Test Series (Test S-NC-1),” NUREG/CR-2379, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Nov. 1981).