1. Interdiffusion between uranium-bearing reactor fuels and refractory-metal thermionic emitters
2. L. Yang, D. Bosseau, F. Carpenter, N. Elsner, W. Godsin, H. Horner, R. Hudson, J. Lindgren, J. Ream, R. Weed, A. Weinberg, and W.B. Wright, “Investigations of Carbides as Cathodes for Thermionic Space Reactors,” Final Report, Contract No. NAS 3-2532, NASA Report GA-4769, Part I, General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corporation (1964).
3. Direct Conversion Project Staff, “Vapor-deposited Tungsten,” NASA CR-54266, General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corporation (1964).
4. R.G. Mills, J.R. Lindgren, and A.F. Weinberg, “An Evaluation of Vapor-deposited Tungsten Tubing,” NASA CR-54277, General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corporation (1964).