1. R. E. Blanco, J. O. Blomeke, W. E. Clark, E. J. Frederick, H. W. Godbee, C. W. Hancher, J. M. Holmes, and J. C. Suddath, “Status of the ORNL Potcal and Potglass Processes for the Conversion of Highly Radioactive Liquid Wastes to Solids”, TM-857, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. (May 8, 1964).
2. H.A.C. Mckay, R. J. W. Streeton, and A. G. Wain, “Mixer-Settler Runs to Study Uranium (IV) as a Reductant in U/Pu Separation”, AERE-R-4381, Chem. Div., Harwell, England (September 1963).
3. R. Deleone, G. Cogliati, L. Lorenzini, and R. Lanz, “Studies of Uranium (IV) Nitrate”, TID-7641, p 307, USAEC, Washington, D. C. (October 1962).