Improved Pressurized Water Reactor Steamline Break Analysis Using RETRAN-02, ARROTTA, and VIPRE-02


Dias Antonio F.1,Eisenhart Laurance D.1,Bell Diane M.2,Garrett Terry J.3,Neises Glenn J.3,Agee Lance J.4


1. S. Levy Inc. 3425 S. Bascom Avenue, Campbell, California 95008

2. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Richland, Washington

3. Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 2908, Wichita, Kansas 67201

4. Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94303


Informa UK Limited


Condensed Matter Physics,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Nuclear and High Energy Physics

Reference7 articles.

1. J. H. McFADDEN and M. P. PAULSEN, “RETRAN-02 A Program for Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Complex Fluid Flow Systems,” NP-1850-CCM-A, Rev. 4, Electric Power Research Institute (Nov. 1988).

2. L. D. EISENHART, “ARROTTA-01 — An Advanced Rapid Reactor Operational Transient Analysis Computer Code,” NP-7375-CCML, Electric Power Research Institute (June 1991).

3. “VIPRE-02, Advanced Reactor Thermal-Hydraulic Code for BWR and PWR Vessel and Core Analysis,” Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (to be published).

4. K. S. SMITH, “An Analytical Nodal Method for Solving the 2-Group, Multidimensional, Static and Transient Neutron Diffusion Equations,” Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Feb. 1979).

5. D. J. DIAMOND, H. S. CHENG, and L. D. EISENHART, “BEAGL-01: A Computer Code for Calculating Rapid Core Transients,” NP-3243-CCM, Electric Power Research Institute (Oct. 1984).







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