1. J. H. McFADDEN and M. P. PAULSEN, “RETRAN-02 A Program for Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Complex Fluid Flow Systems,” NP-1850-CCM-A, Rev. 4, Electric Power Research Institute (Nov. 1988).
2. L. D. EISENHART, “ARROTTA-01 — An Advanced Rapid Reactor Operational Transient Analysis Computer Code,” NP-7375-CCML, Electric Power Research Institute (June 1991).
3. “VIPRE-02, Advanced Reactor Thermal-Hydraulic Code for BWR and PWR Vessel and Core Analysis,” Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (to be published).
4. K. S. SMITH, “An Analytical Nodal Method for Solving the 2-Group, Multidimensional, Static and Transient Neutron Diffusion Equations,” Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Feb. 1979).
5. D. J. DIAMOND, H. S. CHENG, and L. D. EISENHART, “BEAGL-01: A Computer Code for Calculating Rapid Core Transients,” NP-3243-CCM, Electric Power Research Institute (Oct. 1984).