1. “Severe Accident Risk: An Assessment for Five U.S. Nuclear Power Plants,” NUREG-1150, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Dec. 1990).
2. N. S. DeMUTH, D. DOBRANICH, and R. J. HENNINGER, “Loss-of-Feedwater Transients for the Zion-1 Pressurized Water Reactor,” NURER/CR-2656, LA-9296-MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory (May 1982).
3. P. D. BAYLESS, C. A. DOBBE, and R. CHAMBERS, “Feedwater Transient and Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis for the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant,” NUREG/CR-4741, EGG-2471, EG&G Idaho, Inc. (Mar. 1987).
4. W. TAUCHE, “Loss of Feedwater Induced Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis Report,” WCAP-9744, Westing-house Electric Corporation (May 1980).
5. “Emergency Operating Procedure, 507.45, Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant,” Taiwan Power Company (June 1987).