1. M. L. WILSON et al. “Total-System Performance Assessment for Yucca Mountain—SNL Second Iteration (TSPA-1993),” SAND93-2675, Sandia National Laboratories (1994).
2. “Total System Performance Assessment—1995: An Evaluation of the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository,” B00000000-0171-2200-00136, Rev. 01, draft, TRW Environmental System Safety, Las Vegas, Nevada (Nov. 1995).
3. W. ZHOU, R. ARTHUR, M. APTED, and J. CONCA, “Richards Barrier for Long Term High-Level Waste Isolation: Flow and Geochemical Modeling,” Quantisci, Denver, Colorado (to be published).
4. M. APTED, W. ZHOU, J. CONCA, and R. ARTHUR, “Richards Barrier for Long Term High-Level Waste Isolation: Source Term Comparison,” Quantisci, Denver, Colorado (to be published).