1. “Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants,” WASH-1400, NUREG-75/0114, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Oct. 1975).
2. M. L. CORRADINI and D. V. SWENSON, “Probability of Containment Failure due to Steam Explosions Following a Postulated Core Meltdown in an LWR,” SAND80-2132, Sandia National Laboratories (June 1981).
3. M. L. CORRADINI and D. V. SWENSON, “Monte Carlo Analysis of the Probability of Containment Failure due to Steam Explosions,” SAND81-1092, Sandia National Laboratories (Oct. 1981).
4. “A Review of Current Understanding of the Potential for Containment Failure Arising from In-Vessel Steam Explosions,” NUREG-1116 (Feb. 1985) and SERG-2, NUREG-1524, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Steam Explosion Review Group (Aug. 1996).
5. An Assessment of Steam-Explosion-Induced Containment Failure. Part I: Probabilistic Aspects